Discover the scenic trails of Gaisiri village on beautiful Jeju island.
Race Category
Running Stones
20 KM
Elevation Gain
508 M+
Start Date
Saturday 18th October 2025
Race Start
Gasiri Horse Park - 10:00
Max Allowed Race Time
04 Hours
- Friday October 17
10:00 - 18:00 Race check-in, Bib distribution (Jeju Worldcup Stadium)
- Saturday October 18
7:30 Shuttle Bus departs
(1.From Swimming facility, Jeju city sports complex)
(2.From Jeju World Cup Stadium)
10:00 20km Race start
13:00 20km Award
14:00 20km Race Finish and Shuttle bus departs
(1.From Swimming facility, Jeju city sports complex)
(2.From Jeju World Cup Stadium)
Race check-in and bib number pickup are only available on Friday, October 17th
Mandatory Gear
- Trail Running shoes
- Stock of water minimum 1 litre (bottle or bladder)
- Mobile phone
- Whistle
- Food reserve (min. 200 cal.)
- Race bib (phone number of the organizers will be on your bib)
- Personal cup. To avoid the wastage of plastic cups at the checkpoints, you must bring your cup along in order to enjoy the different beverages offered (soda, soup, tea, coffee).
- Survival blanket (recommended 1.40m x 2m)
First aid posts are positioned at every Check points throughout the course. A medical control team is present during the entire duration of the event. If it appears that a runner is in difficulty or seriously injured to call for assistance:
- go in person to a first aid point
- phone the course organizer(Phone number marked on your race bib)
- ask another runner to alert the first aid team
It is essential that each runner helps anybody in danger and alerts the first aid point. Do not forget, that due to the difficulty of access of certain locations, one might have to wait for assistance for longer than anticipated. Your security, therefore, depends upon the quality of the materials that you have in your bag pack.
A runner calling on the medical team must submit himself to its authority and undertake to accept its decisions. The first-aiders are authorized especially:
- To put any competitor unfit to continue with the event out of the race (by invalidating the race bib).
- To evacuate runners whom they judge in danger, by any means at their disposal.
- To hospitalize at their convenience any runners whose state of health requires it.
Expenses incurred, resulting from emergency assistance or evacuation, are payable by the person rescued who is also responsible for all costs relating to their return from the area to where they were rescued.
If for any reason it is impossible to make contact with the course organizer, you can directly call the rescue services, 119 (especially if you find yourselves in a zone « emergency call only » as several sections do not have mobile network coverage).
Each runner must stay on the way-marked paths, even if to rest for a while. Any runner who voluntarily leaves such paths is no longer under the responsibility of the organizer.
Every runner will be provided with a race bib, and the race bib must be clearly visible and worn on the front and outside of the clothing during the entire race. Runners will be penalized for not having their race bibs with them at all times.
Refreshments (drinks and foods) are offered at each checkpoint.
To avoid the wastage of disposable plastic cups during the race, every runner has to equip himself with bottles or bladders.
Any runner seen littering along the route will be penalized. Trashcans are provided at every checkpoint.
The maximum time for the event, for the totality of the course, is fixed at:
TransJeju 20k: 4 hours
The time barriers are calculated to enable participants to reach the Finish within the maximum time imposed. To be authorized to continue with the event, runners must set off from each checkpoint before the time limit. In the case of poor meteorological conditions and/or for reasons of safety, the organization reserves the right to modify the course and the time barriers.
Except for injuries, a runner must not retire anywhere else other than at a checkpoint. He must therefore inform the person in charge of the checkpoint, who will definitively invalidate his race bib and recuperates the electronic chip.
Most check points are easily accessible by public transportation. Therefore, the runner who retires from the race will be redirected to the closest public bus/train (each runner must have cash – see mandatory equipment). Outside bus/train schedule, the organizer will arrange a shuttle to pick up runners at the different checkpoints.
Note that the shuttle may experience delays in bringing the retired runners back to the finish area. Injured runners will have the priority if the numbers of seats are limited.
The route will be marked with Pink ribbons and arrows at intersections. For better night vision, the markers include a section of reflective material, which will be easily visible with a headlamp. It is recommended to bring the map with you. It is imperative that you follow the paths with the markers without taking any short cuts. Any runner seen taking a short cut along the route will be penalized/disqualified.
Event Cancellation
The Race organizer reserves the right to cancel or stop the race for any urgent situation like a bad weather, natural disaster, epidemic or anything the organizer make a decision of . In such a case, the race could be changed not to continue or not postponed to a later date.
"Event can be cancelled due to any urgent situation and no entry fee is refunded in that case."
20K(420m+) race is held in Gasiri village. Gasiri village possesses the most beautiful trail running terrain in Korea. Visitors experience Jeju Island's Oreum, farm and grassland. Gammajang path, one of the village's must-see attractions, offers a wonderful introduction to the beautiful scenery of Jeju Island and its surroundings.